North Shore Morning Radio Segments

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Listen to our regular feature on WTIP 90.7 fm, North Shore Morning show

North Shore Morning host Brian Neil talks “Backpacking 101” with Michelle Schroeder during this monthly segment. Michelle discusses her top hiking tips, the best new gear out there, and where she is most excited to hike next!

Listen to our regular radio segment online at the links below, or tune in to WTIP 90.7 FM!

September 2021: Michelle has some Fall hiking tips, including planning your trips around shorter daylight hours, and keeping warm in the backcountry.

August 2021: Michelle discusses how to find water when the creeks are drying up during a hot summer, and how to keep your food safe from bears.

July 2021: Keep cool on the trail, when things get hot with these great tips from Michelle.

June 2021: Bug season is the worst! Michelle talks about how to coexist with bugs on the trail.

May 2021: April showers bring May flowers… and May Mud! Michelle discusses keeping your feet dry and hiking on muddy trails.

April 2021: Michelle shares some tips on backpacking in early-season weather conditions with mud as well as dry environments.

March 2021: Michelle shares resources to help you when choosing a trail as well as some navigation apps.

February 2021: Time to get in shape! Michelle talks about how she trains for the upcoming hiking and backpacking season.

January 2021: Getting ready for the upcoming season! Learn about backcountry trail permit systems across the country.

December 2020: Michelle talks about the challenges of backpacking and travel during COVID-19, during her recent Southwest adventures.

November 2020: Michelle talks about the annual, end of the year gear maintenance you should be doing!

September 2020: Fall is here! Michelle has a list of the items that should be on your VIP list for Fall hiking and backpacking.

August 2020: Go it alone. Michelle talks about what you need to know about solo backpacking.

July 2020: It’s getting hot in here! Michelle talks about strategies for backpacking and hiking in the heat!

June 2020: Michelle gives tips for early season hikers, including how to manage the dreaded mosquitoes and black flies!

May 2020: Michelle talks about backpacking solo, including safety, planning, and special gear considerations!

April 2020: Michelle talks about PLB (personal locator beacons) and satellite communicators, reading maps, knowing before you go, and being prepared for the upcoming backpacking season.

March 2020: Michelle talks about upcoming trips with Backpack the Trails, keeping warm in the cold weather, and staying healthy (and avoiding germs) on the trail.

February 2020: Michelle talks about safe food storage in bear country!

January 2020: Michelle talks about trip planning and securing permits for your summer trips, winter sports, and staying fit for the summer!

December 2019: Michelle talks about gear care and storage over the winter.

November 2019: Michelle talks about her Border Route Trail hike and tips for hiking in the cold.

October 2019: Michelle gives some important considerations for backpacking with a new group of people, as well as tips for hiking in cold and wet fall weather!

August 2019: Michelle joins WTIP from the State Fair! She reflects on the disaster that was her first backpacking trip, starting and expanding a small business, what she thinks is better than camping, her trips to Isle Royale, and her mom’s philosophy on the outdoors!

August 2019: Ever wonder if you are ready to take on a backpacking trip? Michelle discusses how to evaluate your personal fitness and how far you should plan to go each day. (Hint: It takes longer than you think to get going in the morning!)

July 2019: Michelle covers how to get the right backpack and how to get it packed and fitted, and discusses the virtues of down blankets vs. sleeping bags.

June 2019: Topics include the best places to hike in the wet and buggy spring season, how to be prepared for cold and wet weather, wool vs. synthetic clothing, and her top navigation tools.

May 2019: Michelle discusses the biggest mistakes she sees out on the trails (we’re looking at you ponchos), as well as her favorite new pieces of gear.